Save money - Add location-intelligence to your Hospital
Numerous studies showed that hospitals improved equipment utilization and saved thousands of dollars by adopting RTLS for indoor assets.
Take the survey INDTRAC Login INDTRAC is fully cloud-native secure RTLS
It is designed to make movable asset tracking simple and cost-efficient
Location-intelligent Hospital
A location-intelligent hospital is endowed with precise knowledge of current location of all its assets and people. There are three distinct elements in fulfilling that requirement. 1. RTLS or Real Time Location Server 2. Tags attached to the assets and 3. Readers/Gateways that send the tag data to RTLS. While there are many dedicated RTLS servers available designed exclusively for RFID tags, there are only a few that work with other types of tags.
INDTRAC is designed to work with all technologies like RFID, BLE or UWB.

Locate Instrument
A study found that 6000 Hours per Month is wasted on Nurses Finding Lost or misplaced Equipment. With INDTRAC, you can locate any equipment with just a click of a button.
Real time Equipment Audit
With a click of a button do an instant audit online and verify that all the equipment are in their places right when you want.